I was a little sad, having heard (all right ... seen ... on facebook) that some old friends of mine are having a party and I'm not invited (not that I'm
uninvited I'm sure - I'm just not thought of, and I'm not sure what is worse). So I was a little sad, feeling, well, the usual: I have no friends, I am boring, I stay at home too much, I have no life, etc. (Weird how some thoughts grow so very fast, isn't it?)
And then I started thinking ... And I realised that SO many people around the world would kill to have what I have, right now. (An apartment, an education, freedom of speech, food in my belly etc - yes, that too, but it wasn't what I was thinking about primarily.)
I have a boyfriend who loves me so much I can't even try to grasp it. I have the whole evening to spend with him, in our home. I have orange and red and hot pink candles lit, I have a pint of Ben & Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk to share with aforementioned boyfriend (although I eat most of it), and a game of Trivial Pursuit. I am home.
I would be immensely stupid to not see how lucky I am.
Kraja, Jonas Knutsson och Johan Norberg | Den signade dag